Rotarian John Spesia is pleased to report that the Malawi Clean Water Project is completed!

The project began after Joliet Rotarian Doug Spesia's death in 2010. A memorial fund was started to construct the Douglas Spesia Centre in Thyolo, Malawi. The village was in need of a clean water source because water-related illnesses such as cholera and typhoid, are common due to the lack of access to clean water.  Recognizing this need, the Joliet Rotary Club stepped in to help. On July 21, 2011, the Board of Directors of the Joliet Rotary Club approved funding to construct a deep well at the site of the Douglas Spesia Centre to provide clean water for the people of Thyolo. 


Below is the letter from Fr. Philip thanking the Joliet Rotary Club for the well that we constructed in Likwakwanda, Malawi.

Following are photos of the construction, Fr. Philip and some villagers at the well:
Special thanks to Joliet Franciscan, Sr. Ann Freiberg, for her generous donation that assisted in funding the well construction.